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Tuesday, August 16, 2011


That tune takes me back in time
Back when Musa Juma was in his prime
On the dance floor kung fu was the style to beat
Afro hair, mini skirt, rhumba......

Then life was fun, no HIV to evade
No crazy murderers, rapists, just money to be made
Pot-bellied-older men were still a fat prey
Better still if on the head there were traces of grey.

Back then boys in blue had no clue
We didn't have to vanish to dark alleys
In fear that they'd arrest, molest
And as fee for freedom explore our precious valleys.

End month was still a boom
Then, only the wily got the fat prize
Battle lines were drawn
Lucky were those whose thighs were brown.

That tune takes me back in time
When my dignity was up for grabs
When I had sank to the lowest of my lowest
When I could caress filth with no groves
When on the streets men carelessly roughed my chest
When the dignified woman I am today
Was no more than a rag;
Just an inglorious nobody.


  1. WoW! Totally vivid write, Simon.
    Great progression from the memories of a very colorful life to one a lot more respectable.

    Awesome nostalgia!

  2. Thanks Andy, everyone has his/her dark moments, Its only that most of us prefer not to think about them
